Thursday, October 4, 2012

Two loves of my life...

There are two boys, Ura and Sasha, that are probably the reason I came back to Ukraine after my first trip. Sasha was the very first little boy I saw and secretly hoped he would be in my group my first year at camp. And low and behold he was. Then there was Ura. That little boy stole my heart and I was a goner. We stayed at the orphanage for a month and those two boys were glued to my sides. They would get mad if anyone tried to even come near me. I met them when they were 10 and 11 and cannot believe that Ura just celebrated his 19th birthday and Sasha in a few days will celebrate his 18th. I am ridiculously grateful that I have been able to walk alongside them for this long. After my first summer I looked into adoption because I couldn't imagine them not having family and never seeing them again. Of course, this was a crazy dream and there was not a big enough age difference. They graduated the orphanage a year ago in May. And this summer they lived with us at our apartment here in Sumy. My dream had come true. I still am in awe sometimes when I see them here and we celebrate birthdays or even just have family dinner. I love these boys with an incredible love that I know comes from God.

Both boys graduated the orphanage and went to a trade school 2 hours away from Sumy. I of course, wanted them to transfer to Sumy so they could be close. They did transfer and now are attending different schools but both in Sumy. I could not be happier about this. This has been a journey as it seems nothing here is ever without adventure. But that story will be for another time. Right now I am just going to bask in having both boys close and in school.

Sasha when I first met him.
Ura in all his cuteness.

We did not speak the same language so a lot of tickling happened.

A couple years after I met them.

At their graduation. I was so proud.

Ura's birthday celebration

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