Monday, February 11, 2013

Back with a Bang...

I should have known it was too good to be true when Chelsea and I made it all the way to Ukraine with no issues. I even said to my brother in law it was going well and I didn't want to jinx it...  I got a new visa which should have insured I just breeze through customs(which by the way is my most hated part). But instead of breezing by the customs man scans my passport, looks at me, and tells me to wait while he goes and asks his colleague a question about my visa. I, of course, am internally freaking out. He comes back and asks me where I want the stamp, on my visa or a blank page? WHAT???? How do I know? I gave him a confused stare and said, "I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders and just stamped it.We then got in the car to go home and drove probably 5 kilometers from the airport. The next thing we know is that the two young men who are driving get out of the car and start kicking the tires. I am thinking that this can't be a good sign. Then we continuing driving and it is obvious that we have blown a tire. There is a gas station about a mile away so we drive very slowly to it. The guys get out and tell us they are going to walk back to the airport and hope to find someone to help them. Oh and I should mention that it is now about 12 a.m. Chels, Sash, and I just laugh... Ukraine is welcoming us back.  We wait... Then we wait some more... After 5 hours had passed they came back with a random man and the tire. Long story short... What should have taken us 5 hours to get home took us 11. But we are home, safe and sound. Thank you Lord. And thank you all for praying. Our True Love retreat is on Friday so please keep the prayers coming.

The tire...

Our snacks that kept us going after getting off a long flight and waiting for 5 hours.

Anika may not have been back yet but she was pretty much with us the whole time :)

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