Saturday, March 2, 2013

True Love Retreat Video

It is time to start doing videos again. This one is what some of the kids thought of our True Love Retreat. Hope you enjoy :)


  1. Hi Melissa,just finished watching your video, it brought me to tears, it was so moving. God bless them and you and your team. It is amazing how often you come to mind, you are not forgotten when you are not here! Recently I have had the opprotunity to tell several non-belivers about what you do and they were amazed. Hoping God will use it! Hope to see you next time your back in the US. It just didn't work out last time.<3 ~Susan Stonesifer~

  2. Oh Melissa, I loved the video, seeing the kids and hearing what they had to say about
    the camp was so special! Thanks for sharing this! Love you, Mom

  3. Wow. Was that last kid Roman? Oh my, he looks so old and sounds so mature and grown-up!

    1. Yes, that was Roman. He really has grown into a young man.


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