Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Summer Goodness

I went to summer camp one time when I was younger and that was because someone paid for me(thank you Jessica Carter). We didn't have that much money and camps were expensive. But every year in high school we had an all school retreat which was kind of like summer camp. It was my favorite thing every year. I LOVED it and looked forward to it. This is much like what our kids looks forward to with our camps. Our camps are not as expensive as in America but they do cost as our kids are able to come for free. Otherwise we probably wouldn't have any kids at our camps. These camps provide a weekend or week of a safe zone for the kids, where they feel loved, cared for, they are fed physically and spiritually,  a time to be just be a carefree kid, and not have to worry about being alone.  This summer we are doing a 6 day camp which is the longest we have done a graduate camp. This of course means we have to try and raise more money. To be honest, the amount we normally raise for each kid does not always even cover all costs. This summer we will be asking $100 for each kid. This will cover living costs, food, transportation, and activities while we are there. Please consider how you can make a difference in the lives of these kids. Any amount will help. Camps are a huge part of ministry here that really helps us connect to kids. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you. We had to all but cancel our Spring Camp because we couldn't cover the costs and we really don't want to do that for summer. Our Summer Camp will be June 7th-12th. Thank you so much for all of you who have supported in so many ways already! You really are just as important and are a seriously huge part of why these kids are being impacted. You can go to our website and donate online or send a  Or click on the link I have to the right. THANK YOU!!!!

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