Friday, November 30, 2012

A day in the life of...

For all of you who have ever wondered or not wondered what life was like here in Ukraine, I thought it would be fun to start a video series. I will post videos of daily life activities. Some days may be funny, some may be crazy, and some you may not even believe are true. It will be the closest way to experience what life is like here, so welcome to my life! I hope you enjoy my daily adventures.

To start here is a video that is a recap of our Fall camp. Enjoy watching some of the most awesome kids EVER! Well, I am kind of biased, seeing as I picked up and moved my entire life to Sumy, Ukraine. The reject city that some Ukrainians don't even know where it is. Enjoy...

Okay, so now I think I am forming a new addiction. Here is one more just to tide you over until the next one. Well, really just because I want people to start to see how life is here :)

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,
    I love the video's! Feels like I am actually there with you and the team and the kids! Great idea!
    Love you,


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