Friday, November 30, 2012

Thanksgiving Celebration

Thanksgiving is obviously not a Ukrainian holiday but we decided to share with our kids and bring them into the celebration. We started the celebrating on Wednesday before Thanksgiving at our grad meeting. We had a photo booth set up where the kids could be anything from a pilgrim, to an indian, and even a turkey. They also did hand painted turkeys that later everyone went around and wrote why they were thankful for each other on. It may sound a bit juvenile but seeing as these kids have never done anything like this, they definitely enjoyed it. We shared about thankfulness and had a good time of  sharing what each was thankful for. On Thanksgiving day itself we used as a prep day. On friday we celebrated Thanksgiving. It started with the 6 of us who live in our apartment, getting up early and making a trip to the market. We then set out to find our turkey. This always an adventure, as I have never walked through a market at home where they have many animals that still have their feet attached with fur so you can know what you are actually eating. We then fit 18 people in our small apartment. Most of the kids were in awe of the turkey as this is not something they had eaten before. For many of the kids it was the first time they really got to celebrate a holiday in a big way. There was much laughter and joy in our house that night. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my family, but I am honestly so thankful that I was able to be here in Ukraine celebrating with an awesome group of kids. There is much to be thankful for this year. I am so very thankful to all of the people in my life who support me and my ministry!

Turkey Hands.
Photo Booth

Meet Frank, our turkey :)

Turkey anyone?

Sash making his delicious mashed potatoes.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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